BIKE IT! Berg und Wal - Die Bremen-Nord-Runde

BIKE IT! TOUR DE SPASS Gediegenes Wohnen in der Sommerfrische, Relikte der Großindustrie, Perlen der Parkarchitektur, Schifffahrt und Natur - die Radtour durch Bremen-Nord führt Sie in Begleitung eines Gästeführers/einer Gästeführerin nicht nur...


5 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German

Details and inquiry

BIKE IT! Cows, 'Knipp' and cult (group)

BIKE IT! TOUR DE FUN Blockland - a local recreation area with a cult status, just a few minutes from the city and best explored by bike. It's a farming area, so more cows live here than people. For rare fauna and flora, this marshland is an...


5 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German
  • English

Details and inquiry

A sensory journey into the history of Böttcherstrasse (group)

Guided tour for blind and visually impaired people This guided tour allows you to discover the history of Böttcherstrasse through touch and other senses. Bremen's most famous street is a 110m long architectural marvel, featuring numerous...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German
  • English

Details and inquiry

2024 Führung "Teetiet" bei der Berthold Vollers GmbH (Gruppe)

ALL ABOUT TEATIME Am Stammsitz der traditionsreichen Firma Berthold Vollers GmbH werden Sie in die facettenreiche Welt des Tees eingeführt. Überall gehört Tee zum täglichen Leben dazu, nach Wasser ist er rund um den Globus das meistkonsumierte...


1 hrs. 30 min.

Languages offered

  • German

Details and inquiry

Artificial intelligence - a look into the future

GUIDED TOUR IN THE GERMAN RESEARCH CENTRE FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Where and how is AI useful to us? For what purposes is it already being used today? At the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen, you will be guided...


1 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German
  • English

Details and inquiry

Aerospace Bremen guided tour mondays-saturdays (group)

TO REACH FOR THE STARS Experience space travel at close hand! Bremen is one of Europe's leading centres for space travel. The European contribution to the International Space Station (ISS), for example, was assembled at Airbus. The ISS is in...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German
  • English

Details and inquiry

Aerospace Bremen guided tour sundays (group)

TO REACH FOR THE STARS Experience space travel at close hand! Bremen is one of Europe's leading centres for space travel. The European contribution to the International Space Station (ISS), for example, was assembled at Airbus. The ISS is in...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German
  • English

Details and inquiry

2024 Tour de Kultur

GEFÜHRTE TOUR MIT BESICHTIGUNGEN (Gruppen) Nahe beieinander an der "Bremer Kulturmeile" liegen einige der renommiertesten und bekanntesten Kultureinrichtungen Bremens: das Theater am Goetheplatz, die Kunsthalle Bremen, das Gerhard-Marcks-Haus...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German

Details and inquiry

20 Jahre UNESCO Welterbe in Bremen - die Jubiläumsführung

Jubiläum in Bremen. 20 Jahre UNESCO Welterbe. Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Geschichte und den einzigartigen Charme des UNESCO-Welterbes Bremen. Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser Reise durch das UNESCO-Welterbe Bremen und feiern Sie mit uns das...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

  • German

Details and inquiry

A fairytale German Christmas in Bremen (group)

Enjoy the festive atmosphere of the Advent season in Bremen. Around the Town Hall and the Roland the Christmas market invites you to take an extended stroll through the city. Let our guides show you the most beautiful sides of Bremen by a guided...


2 hrs.

Languages offered

Details and inquiry